It's time to Bike against MS!
Dear family, friends and loyal supporters,
I have been battling MS for years now and I feel like I'm one of the lucky ones. I have not suffered a debilitating MS attack since my first episode in 2009, but the weekly injections I take are a constant reminder that we still have no cure. Millions of people who suffer from MS are not winning their battle like I am. I have MS, but MS doesn't have me... I'm a mom, a wife, a sister, an aunt, and a friend. Thanks to the support of all of you, I can dance and I can ride for those who can't. Please join me in continuing to raise funds for MS research and awareness. Together we can beat this disease.
~Susan P.
Join our team!
Joining our team means you support critical funds to support local programs and cutting-edge research. Your donation puts us closer to realizing our promise to STOP MS in its tracks, RESTORE lost function and END MS forever. Ending MS means no one will receive an MS diagnosis again. Every dollar helps. Every connection matters.
Over the past ten years, through Cruisin' with Susan and Dancin' with Susan, we have have raised over $650,000.
Please help us keep these efforts going, and let's work together to end MS!!